Introduction, Aim and Scope:
International Council of English and Literature Journal (ICELJ) aims to advance knowledge of and to develop expertise in critical and scientific inquiry in English, Literature and teaching. The journal is intended for academics, researchers, teacher educators and graduate students who are involved in research and dissemination of knowledge in the field. This is a refereed online journal which will publish articles in four issues a year [ January / April / July / October ].All articles in this journal undergo anonymous peer review by two referees.
Authors are invited to submit articles that focus on new theoretical perspectives, syntheses of research, discussions of methodological issues and scholarly analyses of issues in English and Literature. Articles may also include debates on a variety of perspectives, policy and theories, investigations of alternative modes of research in English and Literature and the advancement of knowledge and understanding of effective English language teaching and learning.
It welcomes papers in the domain of English Language and Literature. It encourages scholars and teachers of English and Literature to contribute their papers in the fields of Language and its research, Literature and its Applications, Creative Writing, Linguistics, Accent, Poetry, Criticism, Phonetics, Literary Criticism, Philosophy of Language, Theatre, Technical Communication, Culture Studies, Methodologies in Teaching and other topics related to English.
Journal Particulars
Title :International Council of English and Literature Journal (ICELJ)
Frequencey :Quarterly(For every three months(Jan/April/July/Oct
Frequencey :2583-1232
Publisher :Delmon Publications
Chief Editor :Dr.Vislavath Rajunayak
Copyright :
Srarting year :2021
Subject :Language / Linguistics
Language :English
Publication Format :Online
Phone Number :91 21 03 98 99
E-Mail ID :
Website :
Address :Delmon Publications, 3-59,Chevitikallu, Main Road ,Kanchikacherla, Krishna ,Andhra Pradesh-521180